Song of the Seashell – whorl 3

Michael’s sister, Betsy, yelled out the back door, “There’s someone on the phone for you!” He was playing soccer with her corgi mix dog, Tipper. She liked playing goalie position best and was very good at blocking shots and dribbling the ball back to his feet. They enjoyed playing together and Michael indulged her often.

He grabbed the telephone receiver off the counter, feeling slightly annoyed by the interruption.


“Hi Michael. It’s Dana.”

(Long pause)


“Yes, it’s me.”


“I’m living in a small town outside of Boston”, she replied.

“OH MY GOD!! Dana, I was just told to go to Boston yesterday by a man from Ireland. This is very strange.”

“Was he a leprechaun?” she giggled.

“Very funny. Nah, he’s a boat builder. He said I ought to be able to find a boat builder in Boston willing to teach me how to build an Irish canoe. I didn’t know anyone in Boston.”

“Now you do.”

“This is really amazing! Can I come for a visit?”


“Next week. I have to make arrangements for time off from work first.”


“Dana, how did you find me?”

“I used the computer and directory assistance. You know there are a lot of Michael Ryan’s in western Pennsylvania?”

“I didn’t know.”

“It took me quite awhile.”




“I’m glad you want to visit me.”

“I’m glad you found me after all these years.”

“See you next week. I’ll send you the directions. What’s your email address?”

They exchanged email addresses, said goodbye and he hung up the phone.

He gave Tipper a playful tussle on the top of her head and a broad smile began to split his face, from ear to ear.

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